Full text articles from over 350 of the most respected and cited grassroots newspapers, magazines, and journals from 1970 to present.
Digitized pages of over 500 newspapers from a variety of penal institutions including those focused on women.
Full text reports from 1991 to present on health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy. Seasoned journalists research and write each 12,000 word report, which includes three pro-con debates, a background and chronology on the topic, an assessment of the current situation, tables and maps, a pro/con debate by representatives of opposing positions, and bibliographies of key sources.
Full text articles from 340 newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press from 1990 to present. Also includes 300,000 full text articles from Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989. Of the total of 2.5 million articles over 625,000 articles (25%) are in Spanish.
Digitized pages of over 19,000 issues of alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals produced during the latter half of the 20th century by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, and the extreme right-wing press.
Full text of over 400 titles on the study of Jewish civilization from its historical origins to the present. Also includes over 1,600 biographies of leading historical and contemporary Jews.
Full text of over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources including complete runs of over 2,600 journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Also includes over 60,000 DRM-free ebooks and over 2 million primary sources. Supports text mining/analysis and digital humanities research by providing datasets for journals, books, research reports, and pamphlets in the digital library.
Full text of over 80,000 resources, including all known Office of Justice Programs' works. Also includes citations for over 230,000 publications, reports, articles, and audiovisual resources from 1970 to present.
Viewpoints from all perspectives on the most controversial issues using a variety of sources including journals, primary sources, reference sources, biographies, images, videos, audio recordings, news, magazines, statistics, and websites. Browseable by topic in categories such as business and economics, energy and environmentalism, health and medicine, law and politics, society and culture, science, technology, and ethics, and war and diplomacy.
Overviews of controversial topics including background or description of the issue, an argument, and a counter or opposing argument.
Full text articles from over 520 journals and citations for over 2,900 journals on political science and related subjects. Also includes over 340 political science reference and other books.
Full text articles and chapters from over 800 journals and over 90,000 books from 1995 to present. Also includes 5,000 open access books.
Textbooks, the DSM-V, journals, multimedia, and professional development tools from the American Psychiatric Association.
Full text articles from over 530 journals on many psychology and behavioral sciences topics.
Artículos de texto completo de libros de referencia, revistas de interés general e informes de salud sobre muchos temas. Sitio web y artículos en español.
Full text articles from reference books, general interest magazines, and health reports on many subjects. Website and articles in Spanish.
Digitized pages of thousands of fliers, pamphlets, newsletters, campaign materials, protest literature, clippings, bulletins, letters, press releases, and ephemera. Documents the range of student activism with all political viewpoints from conservative to anarchist represented.