Full text articles from over 180 publications on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness from 1990 to present. Also contains citations for over 190 publications from 1984 to present.
Full text articles from and citations for over 500 publications on health and wellness topics from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine.
Full label derived information from dietary supplement products marketed in the U.S. including the name and form of active and inactive ingredients, amount(s) of active ingredient(s), percent daily value of nutrients, information about the manufacturer/distributor of products, label claims, warning statements, and a photograph of the entire label. Searchable by ingredient, product, and manufacturer in addition to keyword.
Textbooks, including Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry and Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, as well as videos, self-assessments, cases, and clinical skills.
Full text articles from 80 consumer health magazines, 130 reference books, and 1,000 pamphlets. Also includes 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports in English and Spanish.
Full text articles from 550 journals and citations for over 850 journals. Also includes 1,300 generic drug patient information sheets with over 4,700 brand names.
Citations for over 800 journals published throughout the world on subjects such as drug reactions, toxicity, investigational drugs, drug evaluations, drug interactions, biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutics, drug stability, pharmacology, preliminary drug testing, drug analysis, drug metabolism, pharmacognosy, and methodology.
Over 20 million citations from over 20,000 sources from 1950 to present on all aspects of biomedicine including clinical medicine, dentistry, education, experimental medicine, health services administration, nursing, nutrition, pathology, psychiatry, toxicology, and veterinary medicine.
Health information on over 1000 topics including links and preformulated searches for the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Also includes encyclopedia articles, medical images and videos, and drug and supplement information.
Michigan environmental and public health data compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services. Instructions available
Drug products approved on the basis of safety and effectiveness by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and related patent and exclusivity information. Searchable by active ingredient, proprietary name, applicant, application number, dosage form, route of administration or patent number.
Streaming videos to help you master the key concepts of pharmacology. Covers all major drug classes and includes: mechanism of action, key pharmacokinetics, major therapeutic uses, and common and serious adverse effects.
Pharmacy textbooks, PharmacotherapyFirst, an interactive NAPLEX® review, over 250 Active Learning Exercises, case studies, and news.
Textbooks, the DSM-V, journals, multimedia, and professional development tools from the American Psychiatric Association.
Over 28 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and ebooks that may link to full text content. Some articles, journals, and books are Open Access.
Searchable medical and allied health reference books.
Standards from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF) for medicine, dosage, drugs, excipients, biologics, compounded preparations, medical devices, dietary supplements, and other therapeutics.
To use: Create a free USP Access Point account by scrolling past the login boxes and selecting Create a new USP Access Point account if you do not have one. Use your Ferris email address but leave the "Subscription Key" field blank. Then activate that account from their confirmation email.
Citations for over 335,000 articles from 1984 to present on subjects such as optometry, ophthalmology, medical sciences, contact lenses, reading, learning disabilities, aging, perception, and practice management.
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