The CRAAP Test, created at the Meriam Library, California State University, Chico, focuses on the following evaluative criteria:
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Before you believe it, cite it, share it, "like" it, or download it - put resources through the CRAAP Test!
Based on the CRAAP test, this has been modifed for mobile apps.
C=Currency: How current is the app? When was it developed?
R=Relevance: Relevancy to the educational purpose or outcomes.
A=Authority: Who created the app? What is their background?
P=Purpose: What was the purpose behind the development of the app? What is the purpose of the app?
P=Proven to be accurate and useful
I=Intuitive: How easy is it to figure out to use?
E=Easy to find what user wants
S=Stable Interface
This content reused, with permission, compliments of Terri Summey, Emporia State University: