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Pharmacy: Mobile Apps & Websites: Evaluating Apps

Evaluation Tools

A catchy acronym to help you remember criteria to evaluate resources (print or online) is CRAAP.


The CRAAP Test, created at the Meriam Library, California State University, Chico, focuses on the following evaluative criteria:

 CRAAP Criteria


Learn More about CRAAP:

Before you believe it, cite it, share it, "like" it, or download it - put resources through the CRAAP Test!




Based on the CRAAP test, this has been modifed for mobile apps.

C=Currency: How current is the app?  When was it developed?

R=Relevance: Relevancy to the educational purpose or outcomes.

A=Authority: Who created the app?  What is their background?

P=Purpose: What was the purpose behind the development of the app?  What is the purpose of the app?

P=Proven to be accurate and useful

I=Intuitive: How easy is it to figure out to use?

E=Easy to find what user wants

S=Stable Interface

This content reused, with permission, compliments of Terri Summey, Emporia State University: