Streaming videos to help you master the key concepts of pharmacology. Covers all major drug classes and includes: mechanism of action, key pharmacokinetics, major therapeutic uses, and common and serious adverse effects.
Full text articles from 1,000 reference titles such as subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and reference handbooks. Also includes over 1,100 short reference videos and over 450,000 high-resolution art images, photographs and maps.
Searchable medical and allied health reference books.
Searching for information that is not formally published? This is gray literature. A more detailed explanation of what gray literature is and some of the information types can be found from Johns Hopkins Welch Medical Library's guide:
There are many sources for searching Gray Literature. Below is one specific to the nursing field.
Full text articles from and citations for over 500 publications on health and wellness topics from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine.
Full text articles from 80 consumer health magazines, 130 reference books, and 1,000 pamphlets. Also includes 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports in English and Spanish.
Streaming videos including thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films, and theatrical releases.