Things don't always work the way that you expect them to. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Please ask for help when a database or link isn't working the way you think it should. Also, please ask for help if you aren't finding what you think you should be finding. PLEASE ASK FOR HELP FROM SOMEONE AT THE LIBRARY. The DCCL staff are very helpful and will forward your messages along, but for the quickest and most efficient help, you should directly reach out to me or another librarian directly.
If you can't get into the databases, please contact the oval information desk (reference desk). You can chat with the librarians at the reference desk or call them at 231-591-3602.
If you want in-depth help, please contact me via email, by scheduling an appointment, or call me at 231-591-3635.
If you are trying to read the full-text of an article and the link is broken please report it using the broken link report that appears in the full-text options menu (see image).