A core part of any paper or project is providing background information. Having adequate background knowledge is also essential for doing good research. Books and chapters and articles from reference books, such as encyclopedias, are great places for finding background information. Try these databases:
Gale PowerSearch This link opens in a new windowSearch for your topic, and then notice the Content Types to the right. Select Books from the Content Types menu. The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health is being searched in this database, as are other books of interest.
eBook Collection (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
Full text books on many general and academic subjects.
Credo This link opens in a new window
Full text articles from 1,000 reference titles such as subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and reference handbooks. Also includes over 1,100 short reference videos and over 450,000 high-resolution art images, photographs and maps.
Ebook Central (ProQuest) This link opens in a new window
Full text books from a wide range of general and scholarly sources including University Presses and other top publishers.
Also, consider reading select chapters of the following ebook: