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Drug Monograph Information

Look up your drug in at least 1 of the following databases to view the drug monograph to find extensive product information.  Suggested databases to find drug monographs include (Note: see the next box down for what details to pay attention to in the monographs for this product):

After Locating the Prescribing Information: Unique Drug Product Characteristics

Determine Unique Characteristics of your Assigned Drug Product

Now that you've located your drug product's prescribing information, do several things:

1) Go to Drug Facts and Comparisons and click on the Product List tab. Look at the Routes and Dosage Form and see what makes your assigned drug product unique from the other ones on the list.

2) Look at your drug's Prescribing Information again, and notice how the drug is described, particularly as it relates to the dosage form. Pick up key description terms, like proprietary technology, spray, sublingual, tablet, capsule, dispersible, extended release, disintegrating, film.......... 

3) Write down the key things that distinguish your Drug Product from other ones (if there are others) that have the same active ingredient!

Determine How Long Ago Product was Approved

How long ago was your drug product approved? This will give you a good idea of where you can find information.

To determine when your drug product was approved, go to the FDA's Orange Book and search on the proprietary (brand) name:

  1. In the Orange Book, when your product comes up, there will be a list for different strengths. Click on the Application Number for one of the strengths, and note the Approval Date.
    • Newly approved drug products won't yet have information in books; however, the technology they use may be found within books.
    • Drugs that have been around for 2+ years may have information in books. 
  2. Was your drug approved over 2 years ago?
    • Yes, drug product approved more than 2 years ago > See if you can find information on your specific drug in the Ebooks databases and listed ebooks in the next page of this course guide
    • No, drug product is newer than 2 years > Have you found a specific technology that is being used for your assigned drug? 
      • Yes > Technology Located > Search on the technology in the Ebooks databases and listed ebooks in the next page of this course guide
      • No > Technology Not Located >
        • Look again on your Prescribing information for patent numbers, and also look at the drug's website again to see if a technology is touted
      • Still no technology information: Your best bet is going to be Journal articles and FDA Information. See the Primary Sources page of this course guide for locating articles and search for drug product information in the Suggested Databases for finding Articles. For FDA Information, see the Patents tab of this course guide and read through that entire page to determine next places to look.