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PSYC 280 (Redker)

This guide is to support learning and instruction for Psychology 280, Psych Research Methods Design

Using PsycINFO to find test & measure information

PsycINFO and other databases can help you find what tests and measures have been used by researchers for a certain research topic

Use PsycINFO to find out what tests and measurements have been used for your research topic

Use psycINFO to see what tests and measures are used for your research topic:

  1. Click on the article titles for your best search results and view Abstract/Details.
  2. Scroll down to the Tests & measure field to see what tests or measures were used for that research.

Abstract and details view for citation.

Test and measure field in abstract details view in psycINFO.

Some sources will include include the actual test used in its entirety, usually as an appendix. In that case, you will see [Appended] by the test name in the Test and measure field of the record:

The term appended is added to a test when the test is available within a PsycINFO source

Find sources in PsycINFO that have used a specific test or measurement:

If you have a certain test in mind and want to find all the sources in PscyINFO that have used it:

  1. Enter test name in the search field
  2. Select Test & measures - TM from the dropdown menu

How to find psycINFO sources that have used a particular test.