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PSYC 150 (Malcore)

Research tips and resources for PSYC 150.

SmartSearch for Books

If FLITE doesn't have it

Did your book search not turn up the results you wanted?

  1. Visit and "Search MeLCat" to see if other Michigan libraries have the book.Library of Michigan MeL electronic library icon image
  2. When you see the book you want, click "Get this from MeLCat", select 'Ferris State University' from the dropdown and then enter your name and FSU username. 
  3. If you receive a message that your request was successful, you will be contacted when your book arrives at FLITE (often within 3-5 days)

More info on MeL,

If MeL doesn't have it

If MeL doesn't have your book, there is still hope!  Use ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) for books not available through FLITE or MeL.  Don't leave an ILL request to the last minute though.  They often arrive in a few days, but it may take several weeks!  Visit link for more ILLIad information or skip to the ILLiad login, 

ILLiad Login

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