How to get full text for an article through a FLITE database
Click on the "Ferris Full Text" link to find the full text for your citation if you don't see an option to access a PDF. Depending on which FLITE database you are in, it might look different. Sign in for access as needed with your MyFSU login and password.
Full text options through FLITE
If full text is available through FLITE, you will see a PDF option and/or more options to access full text through FLITE. If a PDF option is not available, use one "Full text availability" options to access the full text of your article through FLITE. It doesn't matter which one you choose as long as it covers the date range of interest.
No Full Text option for your article through FLITE, now what?
FLITE cannot subscribe to every journal. If there are no full text options available through FLITE, try the 'Google Scholar' link first, then click on 'Interlibrary Loan' for document delivery.
If you clicked 'Interlibrary Loan' (after checking Google Scholar), you will be taken to the ILLiad (interlibrary loan) screen. Login with your username and password (not your MyFSU login and password). First time ILLiad users must register for an account before making requests.
More about ILLiad (interlibrary loan) article requests:
You will receive an email when a PDF of the article your requested is available in your ILLiad account
The article will be available in your ILLiad account for three weeks
If you choose the 'Interlibrary loan' option to access full text while searching in a FLITE database, ILLiad's 'Article Request' form will prepopulate with citation information
If you have citation information and FLITE did not have full text for your item, you can also make a request by logging directly into ILLiad and manually entering citation information into the 'Article Request' form