Open the item you wish to print, and choose the program's Print option.
Select "FSU Print Anywhere" as the printer, then click "Print".
In the pop-up that appears, enter your MyFSU username and password, then click "OK". (The pop-up may take a moment to appear.)
If you do not have sufficient funds on your printing account, you may add Bulldog Bucks to your account in The Online Bulldog Service Center.
Go to either of the two Konica Minolta copier/printers located near Room 108. If you have a Ferris ID card, swipe your card. If prompted, associate your card to your account by inputting your MyFSU username and password. You can also log in without an ID card by typing in your MyFSU username and password on the printer. If you do not have a Ferris ID or account, please visit the Checkout Desk for assistance.
You will now see your print job(s) on the screen. Tap on the print job(s) to select them, and then click "Print" on the lower-right of the screen to print the selected items.
Log out of the printer after receiving your prints.
Printing is 10 cents for B/W, and 35 cents for color