PubMed has a single search box. Because this database is so large, you may be overwhelmed with results initially. You'll notice the option to select Best Match - feel free to give it a try!
Also, to the left of your results there will be various filters you can apply to limit your results, like Publication dates. It is recommended that you select Show additional filters to add Journal categories. When Journal categories displays, select Dental Journals.
1. After you run a search, filters will display to the left of your results. Click on Show additional filters, and select Journal categories.
2. When Journal categories displays to the left of your results, select Dental journals.
In PubMed's Advanced Search, use the Search Builder box to build your search. Each box stands for a different concept. In the Search Builder, you can limit your keywords to Title (if your keywords are found in the title the document is more likely to be on topic).
In PubMed, you must click into the article title to see the Find It link to try to link out to full text. If you need a reminder of how to use the Find It link, please click here.
In PubMed, use the Send to option. The easiest thing to do is select Send to, and then select File. The file type that is easiest to work with is Summary (text). You will then click on Create File, and a Notepad (text) file with a citation will be generated. Open the Notepad file, and update the citation to the desired citation style, such as APA. The default citation style from PubMed is National Library of Medicine (NLM), not APA!!