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Critical Thinking & Evaluating Information

This guide is meant to present a brief overview on critical thinking and evaluating information.

Don’t Let Others Do Your Thinking For You!

This guide provided a brief overview on critical thinking, bias, fake news and evaluating information resources. As you have learned, navigating all of the information pushed to and consumed by you on a daily basis, can be complex and challenging. There is no magic formula or "one and done" method to do this. You will need to employ numerous techniques and strategies to determine if a piece of information is accurate, objective, factual, and unbiased.

Remember to ask questions! Ask you professor. Ask a librarian. Ask an expert in the area you are researching. 

Final Tips:

  • Intentionally read sources from across the spectrum (points of view, political)
    • = Avoiding filter bubbles or confirmation bias
  • Consult multiple sources 
  • Check and double check facts and/or quotes 
  • Critically evaluate sources - Ask questions 
  • Recognize your own bias(es) 
  • If you have any doubts about a source of information, investigate before you share it!

See the resource list at the end of this guide for more information and tools.