- Modified from:
Tucker, A. 2022, June 2029. Best practices for Chat/Ask a Librarian. Texas Women's University Libraries. https://libguides.twu.edu/c.php?g=1019126
With permission from author.
Introduction / Initial questions
I connected with the patron promptly.
I read the patron's user name.
I restated the patron's question.
I asked if this is an assignment, what course it was for, and what resources they can use.
Raport Skills
I established and maintained a positive, friendly tone.
I tried to match my tone and pace with the patron's.
I avoided using too much library jargon and explained unfamiliar terms.
I took a teaching approach rather than simply answering their questions.
I suggested improved search strategies when necessary.
I provided more than one type of resource, if appropriate.
I showed empathy and empowered the patron.
Virtual Skills
I used complete sentences, standard English, correct grammar, and punctuation.
I used shorter sentences when possible and broke longer messages into short segments.
I kept the tone friendly, and used vernacular language when appropriate.
I used the patron's name often.
I asked the patron plenty of questions throughout the session to get feedback.
I responded often so the patron knew I was there.
I made appropriate use of FAQ's for consistency.
I used other communication methods (e-mail, phone, etc.), when chat was not the appropriate mode to engage with the patron.
Wrap Up Skills
I asked the patron if they were happy with the results of the session.
I encouraged the patron to come back for more help, if necessary.
I encouraged the patron to close when they were ready by clicking on exit.
I encouraged the patron to complete the chat rating.
Whenever possible, I let the patron disconnect first.
If the patron provided an e-mail address because they needed additonal assistance I was sure to follow Up.