Digitized pages of every issue of the Chicago Defender from 1909 through 1975 including articles, editorials, ads, and obituaries.
Digitized pages of every issue of the Chicago Tribune from 1849 through 1998 including articles, editorials, ads, and obituaries.
Digitized pages of every issue of the Detroit Free Press from 1831 through 1999 including articles, editorials, ads, and obituaries.
Digitized pages of every issue of the New York Times from 1851 through 2020 including articles, editorials, ads, and obituaries.
Videos of over 56,000 testimonies from survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides including the Nanjing Massacre, the Tutsi in Rwanda, and others. All recordings have digitized transcripts and are searchable to the minute.
Digitized pages of every issue of the Washington Post from 1877 through 2008 including articles, editorials, ads, and obituaries.