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EDCD 112 (Vigants)

This guide was created to help students with their assignments in EDCD 112.

Locating Journals by Title - Two Ways

Image of FLITE's homepage

  • Type or paste in the name of the journal in the SmartSearch box and click Search

Image of a search in SmartSearch wtih journals facet circled in blue

  • Click on the link that says Journals
  • Click on the title that matches your journal and take a look at the full-text options
  • Click on the option that best meets your needs


- OR -

FLITE's home page

  • Use the Journals tab on FLITE's home page to search for a particular journal. Make sure to click on the Journals tab!
  • Type or paste in the name of the journal and click Search.
  • Click on the title that matches your journal and take a look at the full-text options.
  • Click on the option that best meets your needs.