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Evart High School

Resources from the Ferris Library for Evart High School Visit

Why bother with books?

descriptive picture of books

Stalteri, Lori L. (2010). [Books]. [photo]. CC-By. Retrieved from

Ever find the perfect journal article on your subject, only to be totally confused by what it's saying?  Books are the answer!

Because articles are shorter, they don't have space to explain everything.  Books usually give you more context and background and make your subject easier to understand.


Looking for books?  Search the Library Catalog.  You can also search on the Books & Media tab of the center box from FLITE's homepage for books only.  Avoid using government documents (which will probably be much older than what you may want to use.)  Your instructor will show you how to reach .gov websites to use government documents.

Library Catalog Practice