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CHEM 474 (Kollalpitiya) - Advanced Biochemistry

Resources used for Professor Kollalpitiya's CHEM 474 course

STAT!Ref Search

  • When Searching in STAT!Ref you are cross-searching over 30 reference books. Just type your keywords in the search box.
  • The left-hand menu gives a list of books that are being cross-searched.

Image of STAT!Ref's homepage with text stating above points

STAT!Ref Results

  • This database displays a rank-ordered results list, with the most relevant result first. When you click into a result, you'll be taken into the part of the book that is considered most relevant
  • When in a book, the table of contents displays on the left. You can use the table of contents to jump to other parts of the book, or simply scroll down the screen to read.

The image below is a screenshot after clicking into a book.

Image of result within a STAT!Ref ebook with text reiterating above points

Citing Ebooks from STAT!Ref

To cite e-books from STAT!Ref:

  1. Once you've clicked into a result, at the top of the result screen you'll see Citations. Click on Citations
  2. Copy the citation from the box below the text line that states: "Or highlight and copy (CTRL-C) the plain text citation below" and then paste that information into a Word document

Screenshot from within Stat!Ref result with steps 1 & 2 above labeled

  1. Refer to a citation style guide to format the citation correctly, as an e-book or a chapter from an ebook. If the chapters have individual authors listed then you'll cite it as a chapter from an ebook. You may need to look further in the book's copyright information to find edition statements, etc.

Sample Citation for Ebook from STAT!Ref

This is a citation for an e-book from STAT!Ref that has multiple editors, as well as an edition statement, but does not have individually listed authors for each chapter.

Citation from STAT!Ref that is NOT in APA Format:

April Hazard Vallerand, PhD, RN, FAAN, Cynthia A. Sanoski, BS, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, eds. 2021. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses - 17th Ed. Philadelphia, PA. F. A. Davis Company. ISBN-10: 1-7196-4005-X, ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4005-3. eISBN-10: 1-7196-4113-7, eISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4113-5. STAT!Ref Online Electronic Medical Library. 2/17/2022 2:11:55 PM CST (UTC -06:00). 

APA (7th ed.) Citation for Above Book:

Vallerand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (Eds.). (2021). Davis's drug guide for nurses (17th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.

The screenshot below shows the proper hanging indent for the above citation, and labels citation components, including authors or editors, publication year, book title, book edition, and publisher.

screenshot of above citation with each component labeled, such as editors, copyright year

See more APA 7th examples with explanations

Sample Citation for Ebook Chapter from STAT!Ref

This is a citation for an e-book from STAT!Ref that has multiple editors, as well as an edition statement, and also has individually listed authors for each chapter. Below is a screenshot of the beginning of the chapter that alerts you to the need to cite at the chapter level because of listed chapter authors.

Screenshot of beginning of chapter showing chapter authors

Citation from STAT!Ref that is NOT in APA Format:

Elan D. Louis MD MS, James M. Noble MD, MS, CPH, FAAN, Stephan A. Mayer MD. 2022. Merritt's Neurology - 14th Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN-10: 1-9751-4122-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-9751-4122-6. eISBN-10: 1-9751-4123-7, eISBN-13: 978-1-9751-4123-3. STAT!Ref Online Electronic Medical Library. 2/17/2022 3:04:10 PM CST (UTC -06:00). 

APA (7th ed.) Citation for Above Book Chapter:

Agarwal, S., & Reynolds, A. S. (2022). Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. In E. D. Louis, J. M. Noble, & S. A. Mayer (Eds.), Merritt's neurology (14th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 

The screenshot below shows the proper hanging indent for the above citation, and labels citation components, including chapter authors, publication year, chapter title, editors, book title, book edition, and publishers.

screenshot of above APA citation with each component labeled, such as chapter authors

See more APA 7th edition examples with explanations: