Getting Articles
For citations from the MLA International Biblography, if full-text options are available, click the link to go directly to the full-text.
If full-text is not an option,
Click on the "Find It" link to track down the article.
After the "Find It" screen comes up, click on the red GO button(s) under the Full Text header.
If the only message you see is "Request document via Interlibrary Loan," you will need to order the article. By clicking this Go button, you will be directed to Illiad, our Interlibrary Loan request system. If you already have an account, just sign in. The information from the citation will already be filled out. If you don't have an account, you will need to create one. Click here for more information on InterLibrary Loan.
Sometimes the "Find It" button will provide a link to the Online Catalog. This indicates that the journal is found in FLITE's print collection. The catalog will provide you information about the issues that we own and the format.
To look up whether FLITE owns a particular journal, use the Journals Tab on the library catalog page. Remember to use the journal title and NOT the article title for your search.