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Celebrate Banned Books Week ~ 2023

Celebrating the right and freedom to read. This guide presents information and resources to learn about banned and challenged books.

KCAD Library Bookmark Contest

In celebration of the Banned Books Week theme, “Let Freedom Read!” the KCAD Library is seeking new promotional bookmark designs.

KCAD students are invited to submit designs that celebrate reading, books, creative expression, anti-censorship, civil liberties, and personal freedoms. 

During the Let Freedom Read-In, the KCAD Community will vote for the top 3 bookmark designs.

The winning designs will each be awarded a $50 gift card to San Chez Bistro and a copy of a book of their choice.

Submit a color printed 11” x 17”design, your name and email address to the Student Services Office - 7th floor, 17 Fountain St. Bldg.

Submission Deadline: 5:00 PM - Monday, November 27, 2023

If you have any questions feel free to contact Elise Bohn, KCAD Library Director or Nicole Dekraker, Director of Student Engagement.

The final format of the printed bookmarks include the following:

  • Front-side of bookmark - Student design
  • Back-side of bookmark - KCAD Library information
  • Full-color designs will be printed 
  • The final printed bookmark will be 2” x 6"