Know How to Use Your Information Tools (Work Smarter, Not Harder)
When you've settled on a couple of topics, it's smart to do a couple of searches to see if the information is out there to support the amount of research you may or may not need.
Before you begin, study the search tips.
Explore the different functions available in any given database or search tool.
Take the five minutes to explore a topic to save hours of time later one.
Begin with general searches, then become more specific.
Jot down the keywords that have worked for you.
Save your searches by saving the materials as a PDF or emailing or documenting the Permalink.
Potential Keywords
"law enforcement"
policing AND crime
"law enforcement" AND community engagement
policing AND problem solving
gangs AND youth
gangs AND violence
policing AND drugs
policing AND deescalation
"law enforcement" AND gangs