HeinOnline contains a number of different legal databases. This overview is not comprehensive.
- Hein's Law Library Journal contains thousands of law and law-related legal periodicals. If you need to find a law journal article, Hein's Law Library Journal is a great place to look. (Hein also has additional law library journal databases, like the Kluwer Law Library International Journal Library)
- You can also find primary sources on Hein, such as the U.S. Code, Code of Federal Regulations and federal and state session laws.
- Hein is also a great place to look for legal history, with databases like the Pentagon Papers, Scottish Legal History, English Reports, History of International Law, History of Supreme Court Nominations, History of Bankrupty, and much more.
- The best way to discover what will be most helpful to you is to spend a little time on HeinOnline's main page, exploring the different databases Hein has to offer.
If you see or know of a particular Hein database you want to search, you may select that database. (To learn what is in that database, click the "i" icon next to the database name). However, if you want to search all of the Hein materials available to you, simply check the box below the search bar that reads "search all databases."