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BIOL 373 (Fadayomi)

This guide links you to resources to support learning and instruction for Biology 373.

Locating Primary Sources in CINAHL

Locating Primary Source articles in CINAHL in the Advanced Search Interface

  1. Enter one search concept per line.  Connect concepts with AND, OR or NOT (Boolean Operators) from dropdown menu 
  2. Make sure "Boolean/Phrase" search is selected
  3. Start your search by applying a few common limits such as Linked Full Text, English Language, and Peer Reviewed
  4. Under the Publication Type filter, select 'Case Study', 'Clinical Trial' or "Randomized Control" trial for primary source article types of interest.  Hold the control button down to select multiple publication types
  5. Click 'Search'.

How to enter search terms in CINAHL's advanced search interface and apply common filters to a search.

Applying filters for primary sources in CINAHL's Advanced Search interface.

On your results page:

  1. Filters you have applied to your search display on the left side of the screen
  2. Select 'Academic Journals' for your 'Source Type' (available as a filter on the left side of the screen)

Viewing filters and applying additional filters in CINAHL.

  • To view Secondary Sources in CINAHL, begin a new search and modify your selections for Publication Type.  Choose publication types such as 'Book Chapter', 'Book Review', 'Review' (article) or other secondary source types of interest.