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BIOL 373 (Fadayomi)

This guide links you to resources to support learning and instruction for Biology 373.

Locating Primary Sources in PubMed

Enter your search term and click on "Search"

PubMed basic search screen with a sample search.

  1. On the left side of the results screen, select 'Customize' under the 'Article Type' filter
  2. Select primary source article types of interest from complete listing (such as 'Case Report', 'Clinical Trial', 'Randomized Controlled Trial' etc. and then click on the 'Show' button
  3. The article type selected will now display as options under the 'Article Type' filter on the left side of the page.  Select the article types of interest again from this list to apply them as filters (so you get the primary source article types you are interested in).

Applying article type filter in PubMed search results.

  • PubMed is also a good source of secondary sources in science.  Consider clearing your filters ('clear all') and starting a new search.  Select secondary source article type(s) of interest (such as 'Review',  'Systematic Review' etc.) and apply them as 'Article Type' filters.